Critical Thinking for Critical Times


Previously, I wrote about the “Year of Release,” which was in relation to the Jewish Shmita year. It was a year appointed by God when slaves were released from captivity and fortunes were restored. Therefore, it was a time of rest, deliverance and financial restoration: a year of freedom and release. The “Year of Release,” I believe, will stretch into a decade of release, having a new spiritual dynamic. We have entered the kingdom era and God’s plan is for His kingdom to come to earth!

Spirit-led Critical Thinking

As this will be such a critical time, it demands critical thinking!

Recently, I heard the Lord say the words “critical thinking” so I decided to go digging. There is much written concerning critical thinking so it is important to differentiate between the kingdom’s approach and the world’s approach. The Lord revealed to me that Spirit-led critical thinking is the God-given ability to cut through what is false and what is true. It does this by applying strategic revelation received from God (from His written Word or His spoken word), rightly dividing the Word to arrive at accurate conclusions with which to proceed and take action.

What may seem logical or reasonable by the world’s standards, yet does not align with the Word and precepts of God, becomes evident in Spirit-led critical thinking. It is vital to grasp this way of thinking, as the Leviathan spirit is presently distorting and saturating many areas of communication with deception and propaganda. Satan employed this trick in the Garden of Eden with both Adam and Eve. Eve did not spiritually discern the evil lurking behind words that seemed quite plausible in the moment. Neither of them were thinking critically and did not weigh the words the serpent spoke against the Word of God.

In Matthew 16:22, Peter also did not discern the greater significance of Jesus’ words as they did not appear to be reasonable, triggering him to step out from his place as a disciple to rebuke Jesus. Peter did not recognize that evil was influencing his reasoning. Jesus had to confront the demonic influence and rebuke him: “Get behind Me, Satan! You are an offense to Me, for you are not mindful of the things of God, but the things of men” (Matt. 16:23, NKJV).

Seemingly reasonable words and logical thinking can lead us down a path to destruction and even hell. Not taking the time to think critically, pray through and discern what God is saying (ensuring that it lines up with the Word of God) puts you on a trajectory toward great trouble. God’s higher ways never seem to make sense in the passion of the moment so patience is also required. We need light and the gift of discernment—the light of heaven that releases truth and revelation for the moment, as well as direction for the season ahead.

Satan even tried to use the Word of God to sway Jesus in Matthew 4:7. However, Jesus pierced through the deception with the Word of God, accurately dividing the Word with the gift of discernment. Many are now trying to use Scripture to manipulate the saints through emotion and compassion to do things God is not directing them to do.

It is essential to maintain objectivity in the dichotomy of the present times in order to stay balanced and grounded in Christ, especially in a season characterized by darkness and light; the best and the worst of times; a time when the wheat and the tares are growing into their fullness.

A Prepared Generation of Stewards and Servants Is Ready!

God will have an administration suitable for this present dispensation; one that is tailored and equipped to meet the challenges of these times—just as He has had for every decade of this century. Because we are alive, we are that generation…this is our destiny! It is, therefore, necessary to God’s interests that we are an army able to understand and discern the strategies of God, thinking critically to implement them. It is, therefore, necessary to God’s interests that we:

— Understand the dynamics of the times.

— Understand God’s intentions for the times.

— Know the framework and boundaries of the times.

— Know the enemy’s limits in the times (Dan. 7:25);

— Receive directions and tactical assignments to implement and steward the plan of God for the times.

How do we receive understanding? Light will break through into our consciousness, causing us to see and receive revelation. This requires the “breaker anointing,” which is sourced from another dimension. It is the anointing that pierces the veil and opens the door (or portal), allowing light, revelation and understanding to come through. When someone is positioned rightly in a heart-to-heart connection with the Lord, the Breaker comes and a word slips through the veil. Using critical thinking, they can then apply what they have seen and heard into the equation.

The veil between the realms and dimensions is now getting thinner—of which both heaven and the demonic are taking advantage. We are living in a heightened spiritual time that calls for the supernatural life of Christ in us to come forth. The path ahead will require a close walk with our Lord and necessitate that we become fully alive to our identities as supernatural saints in Christ, as things may get much uglier before they get better.

As the administrators of the season ahead, we must press in to receive all that God wants to deliver to us and begin to think critically as to how He would have it executed. Don’t worry if other people are not understanding what you are “getting”; in time they will. It’s an important time to be intentional about grasping and processing what God is saying.

In the coming days, it will be essential to be deeply rooted in Christ, having full assurance of His Lordship over our lives, and be walking in the fear of the Lord. It is a time to be ready for anything. In the days ahead, it will become necessary to recognize that many things are being deliberately labeled as conspiracies to deflect attention. Things can shift suddenly and, like Elijah, we must be ready with our loins girded up, ready to run our supernatural race.

How are we, as believers, to stand without fear in this hour? This is not a time to be complacent about God and sin. The enemy is prowling about and sin is his main attraction. The fear of God must be our firm foundation.

“The LORD is my light and my salvation; Whom shall I fear? The LORD is the strength of my life; Of whom shall I be afraid? When the wicked came against me to eat up my flesh, My enemies and foes, They stumbled and fell. Though an army may encamp against me, My heart shall not fear; though war may rise against me, In this I will be confident” (Ps. 27:1-3).

Serving God in the High Call of Stewarding the Times

God significantly highlighted the word “prudence” to me as a word for the times. God will lavish on the saints “all wisdom and prudence” (Eph. 1:8). The definitions of prudence reveal the high level of wisdom and insight which God will give the saints to steward His plan for the times.


The ability to govern and discipline oneself by the use of reason.

— Sagacity or shrewdness in the management of affairs; keen perception and discernment.

— Skill and good judgment in the use of resources.

— Caution or circumspection as to danger or risk; the ability to see ahead.

“In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace which He made to abound toward us in all wisdom and prudence, having made known to us the mystery of His will, according to His good pleasure which He purposed in Himself, that in the dispensation of the fullness of the times He might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven and which are on earth—in Him” (Eph. 1:7-10).

To Christian philosophers, prudence was considered the “mother” of all virtues by its ability to see ahead and make right decisions.

“Prudence has a directive capacity with regard to the other virtues. It lights the way and measures the arena for their exercise. Without prudence, bravery becomes foolhardiness; mercy sinks into weakness, free self-expression and kindness into censure, humility into degradation and arrogance, selflessness into corruption, and temperance into fanaticism” (Wikipedia – Delany, Joseph (1911) “Prudence”).

The Bible says: “I, wisdom, dwell with prudence…” (Prov. 8:12).

Critical thinking and the virtue of prudence will become crucial for the times. They will be at the forefront in the attributes of those equipped in the fullness of resurrection power who serve God in the high call of stewarding the times. It could be said that the tribe of Issachar functioned in the virtue of prudence. They were in possession of the wisdom and understanding needed for making the right decisions:

“Of the sons of Issachar who had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do” (1 Chron. 12:32).

God is presently transitioning His people from one level of experience to another; one which has a very new dynamic that is vastly different from what we have previously known. He is urging us into a new and deeper level of covenant relationship with Him. He wants to take us to places that we’ve not experienced before! He is calling us to become signs and wonders to this generation; to be vessels of God’s rule and reign breaking into the earth!

In a dream, I heard the Lord say, “Many who have served Me selflessly are about to receive their promotion and will experience great fruitfulness in their work for Me.”

We have arrived at a season characterized by the rest of God, where we are to rest in Him as He moves in power to do the work. It’s not that we’re going to lie down while He does everything. It will be a holy partnership but it will require quietness in Him and listening for His voice; following and allowing Him to do what only He can do. It is so important right now that we recognize our limitations apart from Him—to recognize and magnify the majesty and the magnitude of the power and ability of the God that we serve. {eoa}

Faith Marie Baczko is the president of Headstone Ministries International — a ministry that is rich and robust in the purposes and plans of God. She is a prophetic teacher and author, bringing significant revelation to mobilize, equip and strengthen the body of Christ for this momentous hour of history. Faith is an international speaker and has garnered enduring relationships with leaders united in a passion for truth and enduring revival. Faith is an author of several books; her latest release is available on Amazon: A Rising Called For! You can also purchase The Arising Army of God from Amazon. Tune into her weekly podcast, The Sound of the Trumpet, available on and also Charisma Podcast Network. Support this ministry through this link or contact her through [email protected].

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