It’s Time to Put an End to the Democratic Party


In political jargon, “useful idiot” is a term for people perceived as propagandists for a cause whose goals they are not fully aware of, and who are used cynically by the leaders of the cause.

In many ways, present-day America reminds me of the sinking of the Titanic when musicians played their final song before succumbing to their death. We’ve had so many opportunities to right the ship, but we keep drinking the vile Kool-Aid that our wicked politicians and corrupt and unprincipled media are serving us while puncturing the ship with more holes. Indeed, we’ve become a ship of fools. We’ve had plenty of reasons to do something different, but instead we’ve defiantly said no to righteousness at nearly every turn. Groaning always increases under the rule of wicked politicians.

“When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice; but when the wicked rule, the people mourn” (Prov. 29:2).

In 2008 and 2012, millions of professing Christians either voted for Obama or did not vote at all. Professing Christians who voted for such a wicked and evil man still need to repent because it was his administration that opened the door wide to such filth, evil, hatred, division and perversion that fills our nation.

You can’t vote that way anymore without being an ally to Satan and evil.

You can no longer wink at sin and endorse wicked politicians.

You can’t remain silent while baby killing is now made legal.

You can’t stick your nose up at God, whom the Democratic National Committee has rejected.

You can’t continue to endorse darkness, death and destruction—open borders, sanctuary cities, full term abortion, anti-Israel agendas, same-sex marriage, globalism and socialism.

Stop sowing to the wind if you want to stop reaping the whirlwind.

If you did it ignorantly there is mercy, but if willingly, you’re on the wrong side of God.

Lack of Character Is the Issue

The problem is a large segment of professing American Christians lack character and discernment, and they endorse the same.

John Wooden observed, “Your character is what you really are. Your reputation is only what others think you are.”

Many have a reputation of being someone great in public but who they are at home is who they really are. Many need to repent because their walk does not match their talk. Hypocrisy is the church’s subtle leaven.

So many of those who profess Jesus Christ continually vote for the Democratic Party. How can you justify that when they are now riding fully with Satan? Today, I dare call them “the demonic party.”

Stop voting for criminals to fill governmental positions in our land. How can so many have such a high tolerance for the corruption and tyranny they represent? It’s pure madness and defies logic.

Godless Hollywood and the snake-oiled media will keep endorsing evil. It’s about time you stop believing their lies.

Why do you even give the time of day to Trump haters who lie continually and poison you with fake news?

Again, the problem is in the church world. We have too many hypocrites who tell us they love Jesus out of one side of their mouth while casting votes for those who represent the devil’s agenda. Educate yourselves.

When you vote for any politician, be it senator, governor, mayor, congressman or representative who is a baby killer, a God hater, an enemy of Israel and pervert- promoter—among many other evils, you are one giant-sized hypocrite. You serve the devil, not the living God.

When you’re ruled by materialism, you don’t have a moral compass. When you believe the lying media, your judgment is blinded. When you’re a slave to man, God is not your master. When you don’t fear God, you have no discernment. It then becomes impossible to discern between the holy and the profane, or between the clean and unclean, and the good and evil.

This is the problem in America. Elections mirror who we are as a nation and identify the lack of a true moral base in our culture and a large majority of the professing church.

When you, as a professing Christian, are swimming with the tide of pop culture and following the most popular TV preachers who cannot call homosexuality a sin, who cannot speak of the cross and the blood, who will never say the word “repent,” who endorsed Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton for president, who are motivated by publicity and popularity and earthly gain, you are in the devil’s grip.

Electing wicked and evil politicians for president is nearly equivalent to absolving Satan from his sins and letting him into the White House. I almost said “heaven,” but God will never let Satan or those who follow him into heaven. Never. You must be born again and prove your repentance by your works.

That eliminates every hyper-grace, no-repentance preacher and those who’ve been grossly deceived by their twisted message of grace that has been turned into lasciviousness. Woe unto you, for in a time when we need the greatest repentance in our nation you preach that no repentance is necessary and that Jesus has forgiven you of all past, present and future sins. Your doctrine of grace is a disgrace. Please repent and come into right standing with God before it is too late.

Appealing to Logic

And many of you African-American professing Christians who keep your Democratic party affiliation in spite of the pure evil in it—have you repented and switched your allegiance? Or will you keep voting for your favorite party and your darling baby killers?

How can you commit such a blasphemous act and vote for the killers of your own race? Unborn black children are being aborted more than any other race, and you vote for it, while at the same time saying, “Black lives matter.” You are the epitome of hypocrites.

If you are black, why did you vote for Hillary in the last election when she admires Margaret Sanger and defends Planned Parenthood who want to abort as many black babies as possible? She’s quoted as saying, “exterminate the black race because they are like ‘weeds’.” Do you realize that most of those abortion clinics are in black neighborhoods?

If you are a professing Christian, why do you keep endorsing wicked men who are full of greed, have no love for the truth, and no fear of God (Ex. 18:21)?

Set aside Christian conscience for a moment, and let’s just use a little logic.

If you are a veteran, in the military or closely related to a military member, why are you voting for a party whose secretary of state left those men to die in Benghazi and had the nerve to lie about it over and over again? They called for help but the help was told to stand down.

If you have a factory job, why are you endorsing a party whose members supported the Trans-Pacific Partnership? Before Trump, factory workers were being laid off because jobs were going overseas. So many unfavorable deals were made with China. Now Democrats are welcoming open borders and illegals to get benefits to be paid with your tax money.

If you are poor, why do you endorse the Democratic party, when most of them support Wall Street and all the big banks? Big banks keep poor people poor through destroying the poor man’s credit by allowing medical bills and collections to affect your credit scores so you can pay higher interest rates than the rich—taking much of the little money you earn.

If you are a woman, how can you endorse the Democratic Party when scandals of past presidents such as Bill Clinton’s rape victims were swept under the rug, including a little girl who was raped? His wife Hillary, acting as an accomplice, defended the rapist and then laughed about it later, knowing he was guilty.

If you carry a gun, or believe in the Constitution, how can you affiliate with a party who wants to eliminate the NRA, take your guns and abolish the second amendment?

If you even breathe, why would you be affiliated and endorse the Democratic party who murder the most innocent?

Civil War, Persecution Imminent

And you who say God is still in control, save your speech. They said the same thing in Hitler’s day when he was killing 6 million Jews. God is in control of those who have given Him control. He is in control of those who have submitted to Him. To be silent, passive and neutral now is to be an enemy of God.

Unless a nation of useful idiots wake up and come to their senses, we are headed for a civil war. There are far too many unreasonable and wicked men within our shores and in positions of authority.

Barring supernatural intervention brought on by sincere repentance and the mercy of God, the church may eventually have to go underground, at least in some states. California is now trying to make the Bible illegal. That may not be such a bad thing, because then curious young people will actually start reading it. And since the fastest-growing church in the world is still the underground church of China, hope remains.

Persecution tends to bring out the best of every church and every Christian. Persecution tends to separate the real Christian from the false, the goats from the sheep, the tares from the wheat, and the good fish from the bad fish. And that’s a good thing. We don’t have much persecution that is testing us yet in our nation. Most believers think it’s bold and fearless just to call abortion and homosexuality a sin. Honestly, we are wimps.

So what can the American church start doing now in this season of reprieve and opportunity?

Let the uncompromisingly righteous band together and bond together as never before. Be strengthened and be emboldened. Act like it’s now or never to save the Titanic. Brace yourselves. The Democrats will go crazy, and all hell will break loose if Trump wins a second term.

For those who are kingdom-minded and eternity-minded, our best days are still ahead. Let us seize the opportunity of a lifetime.

It is now that the nation’s useful idiots may finally awaken when they realize that the Democratic party are the ones who are putting holes in the mighty Titanic in their attempts to sink it.

Down with globalism and socialism.

Onward, Christian soldiers.


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