Prophecy for Hebrew New Year: ‘A Great Shaking Is at Hand’


Rosh Hashanah, marking the start of the Jewish New Year, has just occurred, and we have now entered the Hebraic year 5780, which is the beginning of a new decade.

When I spent time with the Lord and prayed into what He wanted to show me about the coming year, He spoke to me, instead, about the coming decade. The Lord showed me it would be a “fullness of time” era where the establishment of God’s plans would be seen in a much greater way. It will also be a decade where the Lord, as never before, will bring His church back full circle to the truth of His Word and ways.

In this decade, we will see the faithful remnant rise and partner with the Lord in unprecedented ways to see His kingdom advance and His will established in the earth.

Vision for the Era and for Partnership

I heard the Lord say, “I am opening the eyes of My people and awakening them to the hour at hand, for vision is the first step to greater partnership. Without vision My people perish.

“A great shaking is at hand, and in the shaking, I am removing incorrect mindsets and incorrect doctrines that have hindered the sight of My people. In the time ahead, the spiritual eyes of My people will be opened, and they will see the way I am moving and the opportunity to take up the invitation of partnership with Me in advancing My kingdom. They will also see the outworking of the revelation I release to them as the intricate pieces of My plan unfold before them, and they will step into the fullness of all I have prepared for them.”

“Where there is no vision, the people perish; but happy is he who keeps the teaching” (Prov. 29:18).

“Make me to know Your ways, O Lord; teach me Your paths. Lead me in Your truth and teach me, for You are the God of my salvation; on You I wait all the day” (Ps. 25:4-5).

The Lord then said, “I am raising up a company of seers and prophets who will be given increased spiritual sight and revelation of My plans and who will release My word with great detail, authority and accuracy. They will operate with a high level of wisdom and discernment. They will call My people to My Word and ways, lead them to My heart and call them to greater partnership in all I am doing in the earth.

“I will increase their voice, and those called to release My Word for regions and nations will see Me open doors to enable My Word to go forth to those in key positions of authority and to those who will partner with the Word in intercession.”

‘Fullness of Time’ in Destiny and Partnership Through Decree, Faith and Obedience

The Lord said, “Just as Daniel discerned the fullness of time had arrived for fulfillment of My prophecy regarding Jerusalem, so, too, My people will see the fullness of time has arrived for the destiny of many regions and nations today.

“My prophets who discern My times and seasons will release detailed revelation of My plans for nations and My strategies to see nations come into alignment with My plans. The destinies of some nations lie in the balance, but in the time ahead, as My people partner with Me in intercession in greater ways, I will move on their intercession, and the next chapter in My plan for nations will be established.

“I am raising up intercessors and prophets who are called to stand for nations, and I will use them to bring a course correction to regions. They will use their spiritual authority to stand against the plans of the enemy. They will shift governance on the earth through the ruling and seating they have in the Spirit.”

“Then the Lord put forth His hand and touched my mouth. And the Lord said to me, ‘Now, I have put My words in your mouth. See, I have this day set you over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out and to pull down, to destroy and to throw down, to build and to plant'” (Jer. 1:9b-10).

“Truly I say to you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven” (Matt. 18:18).

The Lord said, “Individually, My people will see how past revelation and promises I have given them will be established as they partner with Me through decrees, faith and obedience. It will be a time where revelation received moves to a time of fulfillment or establishment.

“Much will be established in the earth, as it will be a time of culmination of promises and the unfolding of the next chapter in the destiny of My people. They will see the manifestation of long-awaited, prophetic promises, and they will see these come together in a way that shows how I work all things together and align the path before them.

“The power of decree will be a hallmark of this decade as My people speak forth words with authority on the leading of My Spirit. They will see Me breathe life on their words as they speak forth in faith and obedience all I reveal to them. The power of decree will flow from their understanding of their authority, their sensitivity to My Spirit and their solid foundation in the truth of My Word.”

“You will also declare a matter, and it will be established unto you; and the light will shine upon your ways” (Job 22:28).

A Time of Returning to God’s Word, Heart and Ways

“Joshua said to the people, ‘Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will perform wondrous deeds among you'” (Josh. 3:5).

I then heard the Lord say, “It will be a ‘full circle’ time, as My people will see I am calling them back to the fundamental truths of My Word, heart and ways. It will be a time where My people return to My original plan and purpose.

“I am bringing My church full circle in so many areas, for I am breaking off mixture, incorrect doctrines and ways not of Me that have infiltrated My body.

“I am bringing them back to the power of love and what true discipleship looks like. I am calling them back to the place of repentance, surrender and consecration. I am bringing them back to the truth of who I am and who they are in Me. I am bringing them back to what I have commissioned them to do and all I have called them to be in the world. I am bringing them back to the full gospel message and the power of the gospel. I am bringing My people back to true worship and what it means to worship Me in spirit and truth. I am bringing My people back to the call to be ready and to prepare the way. I am igniting their first love and warning those who are lukewarm to return to Me and the path to which I have called them.”

“God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship Him in spirit and truth” (John 4:24).

“By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another” (John 13:35).

“I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were cold or hot. So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spit you out of My mouth” (Rev. 3:15-16).

The Lord then said, “In order to see a return to My ways and in order to bring alignment, I am shaking that which can be shaken in order to build on solid foundations and in order for My people to partner with Me in greater ways, for it will be a decade of building and advancement.

“In the sifting, there will be a clear division between those who will take up the call of greater partnership with Me and those who are content to walk in less than the fullness I desire. There will be a division between those who live to advance My kingdom and those who advance their own agenda; those who are led by My Spirit and allow My Spirit to move with freedom and those who are influenced by the opinions and ways of man; those who stand for My truth and My ways and those who are conformed to the world; those who are surrendered to Me, hunger for more and are on fire for Me, and those who are lukewarm.

“The divide will increase as those who are aligned with My heart and ways partner with Me in all I am doing in the earth in increasing ways, and those who have closed hearts and closed eyes to the way I am moving will be bypassed.”

“Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be moved, let us be gracious, by which we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear. For our God is a consuming fire” (Heb. 12:28-29).

The Faithful Remnant

The Lord went on to say, “The faithful remnant, My overcomers, have already begun to arise, but in the time ahead, they will rise in greater authority and will be highlighted by Me as they will move in the power of My love and the power of My Spirit.

“They will walk in unity with each other and honor for each other. They will pioneer the path for others and will lead people to the truth. They will boldly do and say what they are led to do and will only move on the impulses of My Spirit.

“I will release greater kingdom assignments to them as they faithfully steward all I give them. They have walked through seasons of refining and are filled with My fire. Greater surrender and sacrifice are ahead for them as they move from glory to glory. There is a warning to continue to walk in humility and to guard their hearts against pride, for in the time ahead, they will do great exploits in My name.

“These ones bring glory to My name and advance My kingdom. They will impact others with My presence, and they will be vessels through which I will move with power. Their words will carry great authority as they will speak what they are given by My Spirit.

“I call these ones My ‘partners,’ as all they do, build and advance is in partnership with Me, for they operate in Zechariah 4:6. As they will walk in the miraculous and will boldly stand for My truth and ways others will try to discredit them, but they will not be moved by the opinions of others, but in radical obedience, they will advance My kingdom.

“It is through this company that My glory will be poured out in unprecedented ways. Many of My faithful ones have been in a time of waiting for the next step and next level, and they will see Me open doors of advancement and upgrade to them in the time ahead as they take up the call of greater partnership with Me.”

The Decade of the Door

Lastly the Lord said, “This decade will also be seen as the decade of the door, for a door stands before My people. The door is a door of invitation to greater partnership; a door to cross over into the fullness of all I purchased for My people and all I am calling them to steward.

“In the crossover, there is a deep surrender and a dying to self that must occur. It is an invitation to be carriers of My love, fire and glory. It is an invitation to be part of the company arising to prepare the way.”

May we return full circle to His fundamental truths and ways. May we receive vision for the hour at hand and walk in the fullness of our destinies. May we be part of the faithful remnant who take up the invitation to greater partnership to see the fullness of God’s plans established in the earth. {eoa}

Katie Barker is the co-founder of Bring the Fire Ministries along with her husband Aaron. They live on the Tweed Coast of Australia with their four children. Bring the Fire Ministries is about bringing revival fire to the nations. It is about ministering to others through the power of the Word of God and the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Katie has a heart to encourage believers to dive into a deeper relationship with the Lord and see them walk in the fullness of their identity and inheritance in Christ. Her desire is to see believers understand their kingdom authority and position, use the spiritual gifts they have been given and impact their areas of influence for the kingdom of God. She also has a heart for revival and to see the body of Christ united and awakened.


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