Was Trump’s Handling of COVID-19 Reckless or Responsible?


“If a false witness rises up against any man to testify against him to accuse him of doing wrong, then both the men between whom the controversy is must stand before the Lord…The judges will thoroughly investigate, and if the witness is a false witness and has testified falsely against his brother, then you must do to him as he conspired to have done to his brother. In this way you must remove the evil from among you” (Deut.19:16-19).

Our first president and revered Christian leader, George Washington told us, “Truth will ultimately prevail where there is pain taken to bring it to light.”

In the current corona crisis impacting over 180 nations of the world, it’s imperative that we discover if our elected officials are looking out for us or exploiting and weaponizing the crises for political ends. The narrative promoted among prominent Democrat politicians and most of the media (excluding most of Fox News and The Wall Street Journal editorial page) is that the Trump administration has been grossly negligent. Senate Majority Leader Nancy Pelosi, suggested the president lets people die while callously fiddling like the monstrous Roman emperor, Nero, who slaughtered Christians and had Peter and Paul killed along with his own wife and mother.

The leftist-leaning media deliberately withholds positive developments while accentuating the negative reports. They also attack Trump for being “unprepared” like when Gov. Cuomo (D, New York) cried out for 30-40,000 “desperately needed” ventilators. Yet weeks later it turned out only 5,000 were needed which the media conveniently fails to report.

We’re bombarded with headlines and “experts” trumpeting the president and his administration’s “failures” to protect us from this pandemic. “He’s incompetent!” USA Today is masterful with slanted, screaming headlines and op-Eds reinforcing this narrative.

Recently they undermined Trump’s temporary halt to $900 million biennial funding of WHO (apparent dereliction of duty with the contagion costing scores of lives globally) in a front- page story. They failed to highlight WHO publicly objected when Trump stopped flights from China and then again from Europe!

As conservatives focus on loosening the lockdown and a responsible return to the past three years’ robust economy, liberals and leftists demand safety in the storm, but their goal is ejecting Trump. In the meantime, “truth is fallen in the street” (Is. 59:14b)

Watch Out!

The apostle Paul warned the early Christians to be on guard for people who “through smooth talk and flattery they deceive the hearts of the unsuspecting” (Rom.16:18).

Nonstop news analysts, cable hacks (masquerading as “journalists”) and ambitious, leftist politicians keep spouting the same anti-Trump talking points. Now Senate Democrats demand an investigation into Trump’s “failed” response to the pandemic, which further divides the nation and destroys morale at a time when it’s critically needed. Socialist Elizabeth Warren pummels the president ,yet she participated in three presidential debates in January and February and never mentioned COVID-19! Hypocrisy?

Are you aware of the reality that the Democratic Party and the news media are overwhelmingly “in bed” together, determined to remove President Trump in November? Have you considered the implications for your family and America’s future if his opponent wins? This is extremely serious stuff!

3 Examples

The New York Times is an extremely influential, behemoth newspaper catering to media titans, political elites and Hollywood liberals, not the average American. They lack objective reporting, publishing hit pieces and propaganda that are quickly picked up by newspapers across America and abroad.

Three months ago on YouTube, Nancy Pelosi explained this tactic of ruining enemies.

These newspapers, many of them struggling to survive and cutting staff drastically, regurgitate the Times left-wing reportage. My former hometown newspaper, Cleveland’s The Plain Dealer (established in 1840) today has only four union reporters left!

Seven New York Times reporters corroborated on an article intended to dig up dirt on Trump’s “failure” with the coronavirus. Selective reporting and cherry-picking negatives (often from those infamous “anonymous sources”) fuel the case that Trump is incompetent and must go.

—CNN, run by antagonistic Jeff Zucker, brought on President Trump’s lead physician, Dr. Anthony Fauci. The good doctor and “media face” in the crisis usually does a good job in presenting information but “shoots himself in the foot” when he drifts into speculation.

In the recent interview with Jake Tapper (another dishonest Trump-hater) Fauci was baited. Of course his remark, taken out of context, became the headline in subsequent reports. “Fauci takes down Trump … Trump started too late … Deaths could have been avoided!”

—MSNBC paraded Morning Joe co-host Mika Brzezinski, who declared, “There is death after death after death; that is on the president’s watch,” and another analyst denounced Trump, saying, “More people are dead and dying tonight because he is president!” Their reprehensible refrain: “There’s blood on his hands!”

Timetable Tells the Truth

—Late December: Reports leaked from Wuhan, China, that the Communist Party censored and WHO joined in misleading the global community for weeks about the virus. “By the time WHO acknowledged evidence of human-to-human transmission, the U.S. had already detected its first coronavirus case.”

—Jan. 1 until Feb. 27: No major world leader spoke out on COVID-19. No Democrat candidate or moderator in three debates even mentioned it. Embroiled in the Democrat impeachment debacle, President Trump still acted decisively at the end of January to stop all flights from China, something no world leaders did! At the time, it was mocked by Joe Biden and his cronies as “racist, xenophobic and promoting hysteria.”

—Jan. 21: Fauci on Newsmax told the country, “The bottom line: we do not have a major threat, and our citizens don’t need to worry about it.” When things became more evident, he advised the president, who acted swiftly, responsibly and optimistically to prevent panic.

—Jan. 29: Vice President Mike Pence was charged with oversight of a White House Coronavirus Task Force of Dr. Fauci, brilliant neurosurgeon, Dr. Ben Carson and other highly respected medical authorities. President Trump did not want to engender an economic meltdown or nationwide hysteria. Fair-minded Americans believe he took a prudent path of calm optimism based on reports given him by the medical experts at the time.

—Jan. 30 : Trump directed all travel from China to stop and the first White House Coronavirus Task Force briefing began the next day, Jan. 31.

—Feb. 24: President Trump asked for $2.5 billion to fight the coronavirus “silent enemy.” (Note: 2 days earlier, Nancy Pelosi told people to “Go to Mardi Gras!” and support restaurants, yet today pounds the president regularly, and the media ignores it. What she did was irresponsible.)

—March 11: Trump suspended travel from Europe.

—March 13: Trump declared a “National Emergency.”

—March 15: The president called for a National Day of Prayer as the gravity of the situation became increasingly evident.

—March 16: Trump announced presidential guidelines.

—March/April: Trump worked with Congress for financial relief; regular White House Task Force briefings keep citizenry informed; Trump engages via teleconferencing with governors, CEOs and senior officials in addition to interaction with world leaders. Production and distribution of medical necessities continue strategically and rapidly.

Here’s the Deal: Progress is being made across America in spite of the tsunami of criticism, condemnation and character assassination our president has to deal with daily. He and his team have worked tirelessly, along with heroic medical personnel and front-line health care workers. May we pray for him as Scripture directs and see him as an inspirational example of the person President Teddy Roosevelt described in his classic quote:

“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes up short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasm, the great devotion; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”


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