Are Charismatics Finding a Place in Congress?

capitolhillAn analysis of the religious composition of the new U.S. Congress offers an interesting revelation about the Christians makeup.

Like the U.S. population, elected leaders are less affiliated with mainline protestant churches than ever before, according to a survey from the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life.

The study shows that 97 members of Congress were Methodists in 1961, making up 18.2 percent of the legislative body. In the current Congress, the figure has shrunk to 50 members making up 9.5 percent.

Other mainline churches show similar declines, dropping from 73 to 45 members for Presbyterians and 66 to 41 members for Episcopalians over the same period. Most dramatically, Congregationalists have dropped from 27 members of Congress to only four.
