Abortion Supporter Assaults Pro-Lifer During Protest

A woman who claimed to be a supporter of abortion violently attacked peaceful pro-life protesters yesterday outside Southwestern Women’s Options, a late-term abortion clinic in Albuquerque, N.M., inflicting wounds that left one protester bloody.

The woman was angry and told the pro-lifers that she had once had an abortion. She then began to viciously punch and kick Bud Shaver, a former Operation Rescue intern, and a woman named Chris. She used keys as a weapon, inflicting a deep gash on Shaver’s head that paramedics said required stitches.

Shaver, who works with Project Defend Life, began videotaping after the attack began, but images he captured show an angry and violent flurry of punches and kicks as the pro-lifers threw up their arms in a defensive posture.

Perry’s Prayer Event Leaders Respond to Critics


AP Images/LM Otero

Texas Gov. Rick Perry isn’t the only one getting slammed for his Day of Prayer and Fasting. Some Christian leaders participating in The Response are also getting hammered—or at least questioned—about their participation.

Now, they are answering back.

The Houston Clergy Council, an interfaith coalition of religious leaders, is among the detractors. The group opposes The Response because it believes the prayer meeting violates separation of church and state. The group is also calling the event “non-inclusive” and protests the AFA’s involvement.

The Houston Clergy Council wrote on its website: “We ask that Rick Perry leave the ministry to us and refocus his energy on the work of governing our state.”

Kimberly Daniels Installed as Jax City Councilwoman

Many call her apostle. But many more will call her city councilwoman.

After winning a tight race in a run-off election, Kimberly Daniels, founder of Spoken Word Ministries, an inner-city, multiracial church, was installed as the city councilwoman for the At-Large Group One seat on Jacksonville’s City Council on Thursday.

Jim Lafferty, director of The Policy Communications Group, a public affairs firm in Washington, D.C., who served both the Reagan and George H.W. Bush Administrations, was on hand at the ceremony to support Daniels. At Lafferty’s request, Daniels spoke before Congress as a conservative African-American voice. He credits Daniels with helping three conservaive Supreme Court Justices find a seat on the bench.

Gay Rights Laws Spark Talk of Constitutional Amendment

First, gay marriage in New York. Now, civil unions in Rhode Island.

On a vote of 21-16, the Rhode Island state Senate on Wednesday approved legislation sponsored by Rep. Peter J. Petrarca to allow civil unions for same-sex couples there. In May, the House of Representatives overwhelmingly approved the bill on a vote of 62-11.

The civil union legislation grants legal rights to same-sex partners without the historical and religious meaning associated with the word “marriage.” The measure now heads to the governor for consideration.

U.S. Government Funding Marriage, Fatherhood

Amid a heavy push for gay marriages in some states, the U.S. government is doing something a little more traditional: funding responsible fatherhood and healthy marriages.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services just announced $150 million in funding for Healthy Marriage and Responsible Fatherhood grants. The grants aim to help fathers meet their parenting and financial responsibilities and assist married couples or people considering marriage in building strong relationships with each other and their children.

Obama Insult Gets MSNBC Journo Suspended

MSNBC political analyst Mark Halperin said President Obama was acting like, well, an unseemly part that is unsuitable for exposure. Now, he may be out of a job.

“I thought he was kind of a d— yesterday,” Halperin said about Obama. Apparently, he thought it would be bleeped out. But it wasn’t, and the entire MSNBC viewing world heard the foul language.

“Mark Halperin’s comments this morning were completely inappropriate and unacceptable. We apologize to the president, The White House and all of our viewers,” MSNBC said in a statement. “We strive for a high level of discourse and comments like these have no place on our air. Therefore, Mark will be suspended indefinitely from his role as an analyst.”

Abortionists Sue to Block Kansas Abortion Safety Law

The father-daughter abortionist team of Herbert Hodes and Traci Nauser filed suit in Federal Court on Tuesday to block the implementation of a new Kansas abortion clinic safety law that requires offices that supply five or more abortions per month to pass inspections and become licensed by the state.

The abortionists have cancelled a scheduled inspection of their Center for Women’s Health abortion clinic in Overland Park, Kan., and are seeking a temporary restraining order to block implementation of the new law. No hearing date had been set as of this writing.

The federal magistrate assigned to the case is K. Gary Sebelius, the husband of Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, who is also the former governor of Kansas. While governor, Sebelius vetoed similar clinic safety bills on at least three occasions.

“We were shocked to learn that Mr. Sebelius could have anything to do with this case. His wife’s administration worked actively to shield abortionists from any accountability under the law. We call on Mr. Sebelius to immediately recues himself,” says Operation Rescue President Troy Newman.

Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals Upholds ObamaCare

The 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals on Wednesday ruled two-to-one in favor of the federal government in the case of Thomas More Law Center v. Obama, challenging the national authority of the government to mandate the purchase of healthcare insurance.

The Thomas More Law Center case, argued on June 1, was the second case to be argued at the court of appeals but the first one decided. The case drew a dissenting opinion that attacked the far-reaching dangers this law could impose on the American people.

Liberty Counsel’s case, Liberty University v. Geithner, was argued on May 10, at the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals. The decision should come any day.

Minnesota Group Poised to Fight Gay Marriage

New York just passed its historic gay marriage law. Could Minnesota be next? Not if the Minnesota for Marriage Coalition has anything to do with it.

The coalition is a group of community and faith leaders and organizations in support of next year’s vote to preserve the definition of marriage as only one man and one woman in Minnesota’s constitution.

“This is exactly why we need the constitutional amendment to protect marriage in Minnesota,” says Jason Adkins of the Minnesota Catholic Conference and a member of the Minnesota for Marriage Coalition. “Marriage between one man and one woman has served mankind for all of recorded history as the building block of civilization and the best institution for children.”

Jury Finds Blagojevich Guilty of Corruption

Rod Blagojevich. It’s a name that will go down in Chicago political history as scandalous, especially after he was convicted Monday on a variety of corruption charges. He becomes the third Illinois governor to go down in legal flames.

Despite Blagojevich steadfastly and very publicly denying all the charges against him, including the allegation that he tried to sell then President-elect Barack Obama’s U.S. Senate seat, he now faces up to 300 years in prison.

Blagojevich’s book The Governor hit store shelves in September 2009. In it, he said his accusers are lying. After deliberating for 10 days, 12 jurors felt otherwise.

Operation Rescue Calls Obama to Withdraw Six Nomination

Operation Rescue is calling on President Obama to withdraw the nomination of Steve Six to the Federal Appeals Court.

“Based on the lack of support by Senators from Six’s home state and Six’s proven willingness to allow political and personal biases influence his professional decisions, President Obama should spare the nation a protracted and divisive battle over this nominee and withdraw his name from consideration,” says Operation Rescue President Troy Newman.

Kansas Senators Jerry Moran and Past Roberts have each issued statements opposing the Six nomination. Votes on his confirmation have been delayed several times in the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Six is a pro-abortion Democrat who was appointed by former Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius, who now serves as Obama’s Secretary of Health and Human Services, to finish a term as Kansas Attorney General after Paul Morrison was forced to resign in disgrace amid an unseemly sex and abortion corruption scandal. Six was defeated last November in his own bid for Attorney General.

Human Life Begins at Conception, Federal Court Rules

A federal court on Friday handed down an order that temporarily suspends a provision of an Indiana law that defunds abortionist organizations like Planned Parenthood. That’s the bad news.

The good news is the order also upheld a key provision that requires women to be informed that “human physical life begins when a human ovum is fertilized by a human sperm.”

Specifically, the order explained that “the language crafted by the legislature in this provision supports a finding that the mandated statement refers exclusively to a growing organism that is a member of the Homo sapiens species.”

Liberty Counsel Condemns Obama’s Israel Policy


AP Photo

The founders of Liberty Counsel just returned from Israel. Mathew and Anita Staver met privately with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to express the strong support of the America people for Israel.

President Obama has called for Israel to return to the indefensible pre-1967 borders, which would make Israel only nine miles wide and thus lead to the complete destruction of the Jewish people.

Could Removing US Troops Increase Christian Persecution in Afghanistan?

U.S. Army AfghanistanPresident Barack Obama is bringing home 33,000 troops from Afghanistan within the next 15 months.

The removal of the surge forces leaves just under 70,000 troops in Afghanistan. While President Hamid Karzai welcomed the announcement, it was greeted with less enthusiasm and plenty of skepticism elsewhere. Todd Nettleton, a spokesman for Voice of the Martyrs USA, agrees. “There is not a great deal of confidence in the Afghan security forces to protect religious freedom.”

Although President Obama declared that ‘the tide of war is receding,’ pulling out while the Taliban is still alive and well can only bring trouble. The U.S. scenario bears a resemblance to Russia’s withdrawal from Afghanistan in 1989. 
