Life After Attempted Suicide

Kristen Anderson lay on railroad tracks hoping to end her life. Instead, she heard a song that changed everything.

On a bone-cold night in January 2000, Kristen Anderson made an impulsive decision: She walked to the railroad tracks not far from her Chicago home, lay facedown on the ground and let 33 freight cars roar over her body at 55 miles per hour.

The engineer frantically blew the whistle and brought the train to a halt on top of Kristen’s body. The botched suicide attempt left the 17-year-old in piercing pain. As she lay there in her own blood, trying to decipher whether she was dreaming, Kristen managed to pull herself from under the train and crawl to some nearby rocks.

Pro-Lifers Rally Against Obama Health Plan

Prominent Christian pro-life advocates will participate in a nationwide Webcast to oppose President Obama’s healthcare legislation, which they fear would allow government-funded abortion if it became law.

Focus on the Family founder James Dobson; Family Research Council President Tony Perkins; Rep. Chris Smith, R-N.J.; and Joe Pitts, R-Pa., are among the Christian leaders who will appear on Stop the Abortion Mandate, which begins at 9 p.m. EST.
