Michael Brown-Larry Tomczak: What Is Happening to America?


“Would you tell me, please, which way to go?”

“That depends on where you want to get to,” said the Cat.

“I don’t care much where,” said Alice.

“Then it doesn’t matter which way you go.” — Alice in Wonderland

God intends for His people to have clarity on the way to go. “Where there is no vision, the people perish” (Prov. 29:18a).

Thirty-seven years ago I [Larry Tomczak] launched a magazine called People of Destiny to help folks understand the times and what God’s people should do (see 1 Chron. 12:32).

The theme of the first issue: “Are You a Pioneer or Settler?” inspired all to hoist their sails and boldly follow the wind of God’s Spirit. We are currently in the throes of a revolution called “The Great Unraveling” where the “battle for the survival of the United States is upon us” (Commentary Magazine, Aug. 2020). Multitudes are looking to leaders to guide them in “the way you should go. For you have not passed this way before” (Josh. 3:4b).

Star Trek challenged us to “boldly go where no one has gone before.” Today, God is giving us that charge! “You say you want a revolution,” sang the Beatles—well, it’s here.

Vexed in the Spirit

Daily we face an avalanche of deceptive propaganda—like The New York Times hailing V.P. pick Kamala Harris as a “pragmatic moderate” when she is “the most liberal senator” in Congress, exceeding even Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren.

We watch the hatred, corruption and lawlessness of protesters (domestic terrorists), journalists (dishonest activists), social justice warriors (Marxist anarchists) and progressive politicians (unprincipled leftists). We’re grieved in our spirits knowing people really do hate (not merely dislike) our president and America, and their goal is to take her down and transform America into a socialist state.

Do you understand what’s taking place in our country? Are you aware there is no more “moderate” Democrat party but a hijacked far-left entity? Have you recognized there are multiple Democrat-run cities on the verge of financial collapse due to cowardly and incompetent leaders pandering to and emboldening radical criminals?

Do you identify with me and with Lot, whom the Bible says was a righteous man, “who was distressed by the depraved conduct of the wicked (for that righteous man lived among them, and what he saw and heard of their lawless deeds tormented his righteous soul day after day)” (2 Pet. 2:7-8)?

If not, or if you’re praying for discernment to grasp the gravity of what’s unfolding and for guidance to know the way to go, I encourage you to take two steps:

  1. Carefully and prayerfully read this commentary.
  2. Listen to the four Here’s the Deal podcasts with Dr. Michael Brown. Of our almost 200 podcasts, these are the most urgent and important ones we’ve ever done.

Do not be fearful or led astray by unbiblical conspiracy theories in these tumultuous times. Rise to your calling as an informed influencer filled with hope and safe in our Shepherd’s care.

“The Lord has given me a strong warning not to think like everyone else does. He said, ‘Don’t call everything a conspiracy, like they do, and don’t live in dread of what frightens them. Make the Lord of Heaven’s Armies holy in your life. He is the one you should fear. He is the one who should make you tremble. He will keep you safe'” (Isa. 8:11-14a, NLT).

Our Defining Moment

Years ago God had me write about a second Civil War coming to America.

It’s now unfolding, and it is crucial we grasp the gravity of what’s happening and what we’re to do. Remember the words of John Stuart Mill: “All that’s required for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”

Jesus told us to “watch and pray” (Luke 21:36) in the end times and be “salt” to preserve society from rot. We’ve lost monumental battles like legalized abortion and homosexual marriage because the church was blindsided, for the most part sitting silently on the sidelines, hoodwinked by a misunderstanding of the “separation of church and state” or the sovereignty of God. Now, with what’s happening, scores are being jolted in a “woke” moment to rise up courageously, renounce passivity and rededicate ourselves to gospel proclamation and civic engagement. It’s a brutal reality: Our children, grandchildren, churches and nation are at stake!

A Time for Choosing

The 2020 election is approaching. We are at a crossroads. We face what Ronald Reagan once called a “rendezvous with destiny” in his classic speech “A Time for Choosing” that catapulted him from Tinsel Town celebrity to presidential candidate:

“We will preserve for our children this, the last best hope of man on earth, or we’ll sentence them to take the last step into a thousand years of darkness.”

I carry legitimate concern that many Christians are not prepared for what’s coming upon us in these closing chapters of history. Jesus warned many will be offended at God and fall away (like scores in Nazi Germany) as pressures intensify (Matt. 24:10), and they’re not equipped but caught off guard because all they’ve known are happy Sunday services and “mush God” messages.

Some sacrifice long-term benefits for short-term relief as they’ve disengaged stating, “We live less stressfully since turning off the news.” Others have succumbed to seductive “prophetic” certainties of another Trump upset, “Chill, it’ll be just like last time.” I caution those giving these predictive words, lest the enemy use them to lull people into passivity when more than ever everyone must be involved.

Franklin Graham issued an urgent call for Christians to come to Washington, D.C. for a national prayer gathering Saturday, Sept. 26. He said, “moral decline has moved with breakneck speed” and he “shudders to think what our culture will look like without divine intervention.”

Do you believe it’s coincidental or providential that we’ve been plunged into a worldwide “stay home and stay sheltered” pandemic? What about the unprecedented stoppage of work, sports, weddings, funerals, school and entertainment, catastrophic economic upheaval and explosive racial rioting, looting and actual anarchy right before the most significant presidential election in our nation’s history—focused upon the most hated president with the exception of Lincoln? And while this may not represent the final “birth pangs” before the apocalyptic Armageddon described in the book of Revelation, it certainly has gotten everyone’s attention, and no one really knows where this is all headed and if and when it will come to an end.

We are engaged in a Civil War—a clash of civilizations. This is not a war of bombs and bullets but of values and vision that will determine, make no mistake about it, the future of the United States of America. No one can afford to go A.W.O.L. at this pivotal time!

Exposing the Narrative Ensnaring the Multitudes

God’s Word explicitly tells us not to be taken in by “works of darkness; instead, expose them” (Eph. 5:11). Germany went from a standing democracy to a socialist dictatorship, then stunning demise in just six years! We’re in a downward spiral but we can come out of it if enough of us awaken to what’s happening. Consider:

—The Democrat party has been hijacked by left-wing socialists communicating that our nation is “evil,” “racist,” sustained by “systemic racism” with capitalism, repressing people and perpetuating “income inequality.”

—Our history is being rewritten to say we were founded by selfish, greedy slaveholders.

—Pulitzer Prize 1619 Project launched by The New York Times, reframes the founding of America with African Americans instead of Christopher Columbus.

—Shaming voices declare white privilege dominates our society and holds back minorities, especially African Americans, causing poverty and permanently keeping people of color trapped in their predicaments.

—We’re told police brutality is rampant, with rogue cops harassing and killing Blacks indiscriminately, and the disproportionate number of Blacks shot and imprisoned is due to systemic racism and white supremacy in our society, especially among law enforcement.

—The flag, our national anthem, monuments and Trump’s M.A.G.A. (“make America great again”) theme represent racial pride and white superiority, requiring social justice activists to purge them from our society to purify our culture.

Left-wing “democratic socialists” masquerading as “moderates” and “progressives” are committed to continuing Obama’s “Fundamental Transformation of America.” Their plans, policies and platform include: models, methods and monuments reinforcing racism must be removed and replaced to remake America into a fair, non-discriminatory, welcoming society; a guaranteed outcome/income for all people; centralized government providing “free” universal health care, child care, education, abortion and gender reassignment procedures; reparations for Blacks due to slavery; “open borders” along with amnesty for all immigrants with immediate access to all entitlements including voting privileges (with a surge of 15 million immigrants voting overwhelmingly Democrat, the goal is eventual “one-party rule”—the end of the Republican Party); subsidized new housing projects for minorities in every suburb; elimination of the Electoral College; standardized voting by mail; implementation of LGBTQ/Common Core curriculum in all public schools; adoption of the “Green New Deal” with full taxpayer funding; and striking down the “Hyde Amendment” prohibiting taxpayer funding for abortions since 1976.

The 2020 Presidential Election

Just as the Democrat party has metamorphosed into something that would be unrecognizable to leaders 40 years ago, so Joe Biden has shape-shifted into a cardboard candidate mostly confined to his basement bunker. It is apparent that he is a puppet figure suffering from cognitive decline and is an aging, weak figurehead who would be 78 years old if elected to the most stressful job in the world. If he died, Kamala Harris, San Francisco pro-abortion leftist, who denies due process and was a disaster in her presidential campaign (dropping out before the first primary), would become president of the United States.

If Biden is elected, Barack Obama, David Axelrod, John Podesta, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and other influential “Dems” would set the agenda and direct operations.

It is worth noting that Bob Avakian, chairman of the Revolutionary Communist Party USA, has endorsed Joe Biden for president. He stated electing Biden is necessary for “the overthrow of this system, as the fundamental solution to the continuing horrors this system causes for the masses of humanity.” He is referring to our democratic republic of America with our Constitution and Bill of Rights guaranteeing our freedoms, free market economy, property rights and rule of law that must be overthrown.

Finally, the Democrat Party’s obsession is to win the executive branch and both Houses of Congress to gain complete control of the country. Having failed to remove Donald Trump through the bogus Russian collusion hoax, scandalous impeachment trial and unrelenting attacks from the media and politicians, they are actively engaged in a coordinated effort to crash the economy. Resisting school and business openings among other schemes is intended to thwart Trump’s major accomplishment of a booming economy until the pandemic. An economic collapse would necessitate a federal government takeover (like with FDR) putting the Democrat party in absolute power to tax corporations and citizens with impunity and push their radical socialist programs through with little opposition.

Finally, after the tragic death of George Floyd, rioters and looters for months have committed violent crimes under the pretense of seeking social justice, with a growing list of grievances and demands. Black Lives Matter has come to prominence. The slogan is great but the movement’s leaders are self-proclaiming Marxists, committed to the overthrow of the American government and the traditional family and the defunding of police, among other destructive goals. Anti-American George Soros has given Black Lives Matter over $30 million to further its work, while athletes have mutated into Kaepernicks at warp speed.

Here’s the Deal: The purpose of this commentary and Dr. Brown’s podcasts is to help us understand what is really happening to America. We must be fully engaged and activated in praying, preparing, proclaiming the gospel and truth boldly and courageously to reach everyone we can. We truly are in the “evil day” God warned us about (Eph. 6:13) and regarding which He told us, “having done all to stand.”

This we will and must do, remembering the words Elisha spoke when facing overwhelming enemies in his day, “Do not be afraid, for there are more with us than with them” (2 Kings 6:16b). Let’s get going! {eoa}


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