Jentezen Franklin Prays Over Brazilian President at Church Service
Pastor Jentezen Franklin prayed over Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro at a church service in Brazil this week.
The televangelist posted a photo on Instagram yesterday of him laying hands on the president in what appears to be a passionate prayer.
“I was honored last night to preach for the first time in Brazil for my friend, Bishop @jbcarvalho,” Franklin wrote. “He is a remarkable leader of thousands of pastors. It was a high honor to meet with and pray for the president of this great nation President @jairmessiasbolsonaro.”
Franklin says the president and his wife, Michelle, attended Bishop J.B. Carvalho’s church, Comunidade das Nações (Community of Nations). that night.
Paula White Caine responded to Franklin’s post by saying: “God is opening great doors for nations! This is awesome.”
Bolsonaro has made headlines lately for his unexpected presidential win, largely bolstered by the Pentecostal and evangelical population in Brazil. Pastors were often seen praying over Bolsonaro during his campaign.
Several months ago, he visited the U.S. and met with prominent Christian leaders to discuss his plans for Brazil’s future.
“True to his campaign promises, Bolsonaro told U.S. Christian leaders he wants to move Brazil in a new direction, away from its prior left-wing leanings,” writes Charisma Media CEO Stephen Strang, who attended the meeting. “Some of his main goals include protecting the lives of the unborn, strengthening ties with Israel and reversing socialism’s toll on Brazil.”
Bolsonaro has made clear several times his intentions to move Brazil’s embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, just as Trump did last year.