To the Christian Community: ‘You Are Being Played’ About Roy Moore


The recent number of alleged sexual assault charges brought forth is unprecedented. From movie mogul Harvey Weinstein to Congressman John Conyers and Senator Al Franken to Matt Lauer of NBC—all have been accused of sexual impropriety.

From a Christian perspective, we can be thankful there at least seems to be some limit to what is morally acceptable.

But from a secular perspective, it seems like almost any behavior is condoned. No wonder these sexual assault charges arise when promiscuity and immorality are so prevalent in our culture.

I have been a supporter of Judge Roy Moore, and I respect the way he stands up for Judeo-Christian values. I even made a contribution to his campaign. Judge Moore, who will face a very serious battle for a U.S. Senate seat in Alabama in a special race on Dec. 5, has also been accused of sexual misconduct. When these rumors come to light, it makes you wonder about their validity.

Sometimes allegations of sexual misconduct are absolutely true and should be dealt with, as with former President Bill Clinton. Other times they are trumped up, as I believe they were for Donald Trump right before his election as president last November.

There are conspiracy theories presented by some which say that Moore’s opponents will do anything to see him defeated.

Most likely, the charges against Moore won’t be proven or disproven before the election, but his opponents have done their job to raise doubts in voters’ minds.

I admit that I wondered if the rumors were true. An old adage has it that where there is smoke, there is fire, but as I talk with friends such as Janet Porter and also with my friend Tom Ertl, there is reason to believe that the charges are completely false.

Below is a guest editorial by Tom that we published online. It has already been viewed by more than 40,000 people. If you know anyone in Alabama, please forward this to them or share it with your social media followers. He makes a very strong case for Judge Moore’s innocence.

To the Christian Community: ‘You Are Being Played’ About Judge Roy Moore 

By Tom Ertl

Dear Alabama Christians,

In my 50 years of following national political races I don’t know if I’ve ever seen one as strange as the current U.S. Senate race in your state.

First, we had the national Republican Party in the September Senate run-off working against the state’s more popular candidate Judge Roy Moore in favor of their establishment candidate, and former D.C. lobbyist, Luther Strange. The D.C. Republicans flooded Strange with money only to see him lose by a significant nine-point margin.

Then, in the general election, this very same GOP-Washington establishment continues to undermine Moore in favor of electing a senator from the Democratic Party. We might have to go all the way back to Goldwater to find anything that resembles these unusual political circumstances.

In their attempt to destroy their own candidate, the Republican hierarchy has colluded with its media nemesis, The Washington Post, to promote a smear campaign against Judge Roy Moore.

GOP–Washington Post Collusion

On Nov. 9, 2017, The Washington Post broke the story of four women with their alleged accounts of their 38-year-old dating experience with Roy Moore. As soon as the story broke, the usual cast of “swamp” creatures surfaced with feigned outrage, demanding that Moore step down from the race. McConnell, McCain, Flake and Romney issued their immediate demand without any examination of facts. Their instant condemnation of Moore gave evidence of their orchestration. Within days, other GOP establishment elites including Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan, chimed in to condemn Moore.

The Washington Post describes the accusers claims of dates they went on with Moore when they were in their late teens. The more serious charge of the four was given by Leigh Corfman who alleged that, when she was 14, Moore sexually assaulted her.

Corfman would have been the key witness in bringing down Moore, but within days, substantial credibility issues of this witness were uncovered when it was found out that Corfman had been married three times, filed bankruptcy three times and had accused three pastors of sexual misconduct. The last of these points completely discredited her testimony, but the national press and the GOP establishment continue to repeat the allegations as though they were true.

The Post story further crumbled when one of the accusers, Debbie Gibson, turned out to be a Democrat operative, who had worked for Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden and at the time was campaigning for Doug Jones.

So, when the initial round of accusers lacked the hoped-for effect, the establishment rolled out one Beverly Young Nelson on Nov. 13, accompanied by none other than the infamous feminist, Gloria Allred, all set for a prime-time New York City press conference. Should we expect anyone less than Ms. Allred for such an event?

Ms. Nelson produced a tearful scene of Moore taking her in his car when she was 16 years old behind a restaurant and sexually assaulting her. It was compelling theater complete with a yearbook signature, tears, tissues and comforting hugs from Ms. Allred. So convincing was the display that at the time it moved some conservatives away from Moore.

But like Ms. Corfman, upon closer examination of the evidence, Ms. Nelson’s accounts also started crumbling. Within hours, photos of the yearbook were examined and found to be a forgery. Ms. Nelson’s stepson went public, declaring his stepmother’s allegations to be “100-percent lies” and on the following day, evidence surfaced revealing that Judge Moore had presided over Mrs. Nelson’s 1999 divorce without her objection. A second Moore accuser totally discredited!

By this time, the citizens of Alabama were starting to awaken to the lies and smear campaign against Judge Moore.

Saul Alinsky Tactics

The tactics used against Judge Moore are right out of the Marxist, Saul Alinsky’s playbook in his Rules for Radicals.

“Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.”

“If you push a negative hard and deep enough it will break through into its counterside.”

“Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it and polarize it.”

“Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions. (This is cruel, but very effective. Direct, personalized criticism and ridicule works.)”

The opposition to Judge Roy Moore used a classic Alinsky approach of destroying the man, not his ideas. They know they cannot win the election debate over issues that affect the people of Alabama so they sought to destroy the person.

The False Witness Business Model

Throughout human history, a deep pool of false witnesses has been available anytime and at any price, and 2017 Alabama is not an exception.

Usually, in the more public high-profile cases where corrupt men procure their liars, they do a more thorough job of vetting their false witnesses. Ms. Corfman’s and Ms. Nelson’s credibility were destroyed so quickly that we can conclude that their organizers have been very sloppy in their recruitment and orchestration.

Alabama Christians, do you think that the four women who came out at the same time on Nov. 9 to give their story to The Washington Post did this spontaneously after 38 years had elapsed? Do you think Ms. Nelson also, after 38-plus years, had a sudden inspiration to call Gloria Allred to help ease her pain?

No and no. All of this has been orchestrated by political agents looking to destroy a good man. Can you imagine the expense, time and research these men must have gone through to coordinate these attacks on Judge Moore?  We also know from our own biblical history that false witnesses do not come without a cost.

Let me also ask you your thoughts on The Washington Post. Do you think that this deep-state paper which has continually labored to keep the pedophilia and assorted sexual perversions of their political associates under wraps, now on Nov. 9, suddenly became concerned with the welfare of women in Alabama dating from 1977? Has The Washington Post suddenly seen the light about the moral condition of the country and its politicians?

No, not at all. But they know you do. They know that the Christian people of Alabama demand character in their political leaders while across the political aisle; issues of character are mostly irrelevant.

Thus, we have the real purpose of the Washington Post article: to orchestrate a smear campaign against Moore in order to suppress the Christian vote in the Alabama Senate race.

These people know the mind of the average Christian and their desire for godly character and public morality. If they can take the experience of dating younger women and turn it into the perception of an under-age sexual assault, then they would have driven a permanent wedge between Christian voters and their Christian candidate.

My call to the Christian community in Alabama is to stop being naïve. Seek to know how the world works. You are being played. Being played is defined as:

“Lied to, set up to be taken advantage of. To be cheated by a setup of actions or circumstances that have been deliberately planned.”

Do you think that instead of being emotionally manipulated by false reports, it would be prudent to reserve judgment until the facts are discerned?  Do you think the proverb applies to the circumstances regarding Judge Moore?

“The first one to plead his case seems right, until another comes forward and examines him” (Prov. 18:17, NASB).

Bearing False Witness 38 Years Later

In times past, bearing false witness (or more commonly known today as “slander”) came with severe penalties. In the case laws of the Bible, slander came with a greater civil penalty than many sexual sins and thievery. One can always restore a stolen bike or a car, but how can a good name be restored after it is dragged through the mud with lies and deceit?

As a Christian, should not your outrage and anger be directed at these false witnesses and those who have orchestrated such lies?

For these women to bring up accusations based on an alleged incident 38 years ago is on its face, absurd. This is why in the Christian West we have “statutes of limitation” written into our legal system.

Sir William Blackstone, the most respected jurist who greatly impacted early American jurisprudence, wrote in his Commentaries on the Laws of England:

“The use of these statutes of limitation is to preserve the peace of the kingdom and to prevent those innumerable perjuries which might ensue if a man were allowed to bring an action for an injury committed at any distance of time.”

If the ruling establishment is successful in Judge Moore’s election defeat, then what Christian man in Alabama or the nation would not be susceptible to the same defamation when allegations, by themselves, become the new standard for guilt?


Conservatives across the country have written much about the out of state influences in your Senate race. There is an ever-growing number of Alabamians who realize that their Senate election is being manipulated by political operatives in Washington, D.C. They do not view this kindly.

The tide has taken a turn in the second week after the Post story broke. Many national commentators including President Trump are now taking a more reserved position, declaring: “Let the people of Alabama decide their own election.”

Christian, naiveté is not a virtue. Be aware of the deceptions of this world and the devices of how corrupt men manipulate both mind and emotion for their political purposes. Use your common sense and biblical wisdom to understand the recent events in your state.

Your Senate race has garnered national attention because it is one of the most important ones in decades, important because it will help determine the leadership and future direction of the Republican Party and to the eventual restoration of the American republic.

This election goes beyond a battle between two opposite political views and candidates of Moore vs. Jones. It is also a battle against two forces with two different visions for the future of the GOP. The players are McConnell and Ryan on one side, representing the older establishment, globalist, Bush wing of the Republican Party vs. Steve Bannon and President Trump, who embody the America-First, anti-globalist, economic nationalism movement.

Not voting for Judge Moore on Dec. 12 is a vote for partial-birth abortion, same-sex marriage, globalism, open borders and a liberal Supreme Court.

Finally, remember the account in Genesis 39 when Joseph was falsely accused of a sexual assault by Potiphar’s wife. Joseph spent two years in an Egyptian prison before he was vindicated. We don’t have two years to wait. Judge Roy Moore needs to be vindicated by the people of Alabama on Dec. 12. {eoa}

Tom Ertl is a home builder in Tallahassee, Florida and is a member of a local Presbyterian Church (PCA). For over three decades Tom has worked with various Christian political organizations, including Freedom Council in the 1980s. He is a former member of The Council For National Policy and has sat on various Christian ministry and political boards. He is also a publisher of Christian historical and theological works and is a columnist for NewsWithViews.

For the original article, visit


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